Mountain Dew - America's Best !
Mountain Dew, unul dintre cele mai apreciate produse ale companiei PepsiCo, s-a lansat si in Romania! Mountain Dew nu se compara cu nici o alta bautura racoritoare. Este verde-neon, acidulat, energizant, cu gust intens de lamaie... Se adreseaza tinerilor si in general persoanelor foarte dinamice, atrase de aventura extrema, de distractie si de depasirea limitelor. Este o «experienta» absolut unica!


In many countries the substance would be confiscated and researched for traces of radioactive material. Not in the US, where people drink gallons of Mountain Dew to get their daily dosis of sugar, caffeine and color supplements. Only Dew can really cool you down on that hot summer day. First made in 1967 by Bill Jones and later acquired by Pepsi, a 12oz of Mountain Dew will give you 55 milligrams of caffeine. Which doesn't compare to Jolt, but still beats most other soft drinks and certainly other lemon-lime variations. Most of the other ingredients are well-known and can be found in almost any soda, except for the mysterious "Yellow 5", giving Dew its unique color and taste. It is believed that export restrictions on this substance cause the shortage of Mountain Dew overseas while it would be virtually impossible to find a convenience store in the US where they don't sell the refreshment. America is truly convenient.
Mountain Dew is as American as the cocktail and is a superb mix, of which the "Voodew" (Dew-Vodka) is the classic, straightforward example. For a "Jello Dew", make any kind of jello but instead of water use Mountain Dew. It is also quite popular to drink Dew pure, however. While most other drinks are commodities, available on every corner of the world, Mountain Dew is a special product with limited availability outside of the US. In The Netherlands, try clothing store America Today. They sell 12oz cans for €1,-. So, please keep your sodding French wine and Belgian beers. Give me America's Best: Mountain Dew.